The Flight of the Mayflower

(18 customer reviews)


Travel six decades into the future where the world is in crisis. Leaders of the most powerful nations have been marking time, collecting their paycheques while failing to address the lethal trifecta of climate change, drought and famine that ravage the planet. With the fate of humanity hanging by a thread, a group of deranged bio-hackers unleash a deadly bio-engineered disease with the intent of depopulating the globe. Oh but the world’s elite, they’ve got themselves a fool-proof escape plan. Passage paid in full to a new world aboard a trio of mega-gigantic Space Arks.
But they didn’t count on NASA’s Space Ark project manager, Dr. Daniel Radu, who uncovers the global conspiracy and together with a team of experts, friends and families, blows it apart. Literally out of the solar system. Tag along on a desperate galactic journey of survival, betrayal and revenge.


2080: The world is dying. Fertile land has shrunk due to climate change, followed by drought and famine. Massive waves of refugees seek sanctuary, but like a steel trap, Fortress America has shut her doors. Mean while, the best scientists in the world are beavering away, building mega-gigantic Space Arks to shuttle hundreds of thousands of people to a colony on Mars. But in the bowels of the underworld, a group of biohackers thought it was a good idea to team up with a terrorist organization and voila, you get a deadly bio-engineered disease that sweeps across the globe. And the lies begin – world leaders insisting a vaccine is ready – so roll up your sleeves. Ah, the feeling of desperation’s fading – let’s just get on with our lives again!

But the truth is very different. In The Flight of the Mayflower, the first novel in The Deneb Chronicles, Daniel Radu – project manager for NASA’s Space Ark Mayflower – uncovers a global conspiracy of immense proportions. World leaders and the elite are readying themselves for a one-way ticket to Mars, leaving the masses clutching at straws. Joined by a team of global experts, will Daniel and his colleagues succeed in thwarting the devious plot in a desperate attempt at survival?

18 reviews for The Flight of the Mayflower

  1. Bill W

    I started reading the kindle copy and as a Netflix sci-fi fan, I can fully recommend this as something that you should read. Its really compelling reading! I wouldn’t be surprised if Netflix picks this up as a future movie project. If you liked Lost in Space, you’ll love this. It is very exciting storytelling with some good plot twists. I’m looking forward with much anticipation to the next episode in the continuing saga of the series.
    For those that prefer a paper copy over a kindle copy, I understand that the paper copy should be available in the upcoming months.

  2. AC

    This novel is an interesting space adventure with captivating characters who weave through relationships and difficult scenarios that holds the reader’s sttention. Highly recommended if you like space adventure…

  3. David Amberley

    This is a story of a smouldering crew on a survival journey in a Space Ark. it is also an adventure across the landscape of space, Alien planets and the dilemma of finding civilization for a lost crew. It is a fabulous journey of hope, disappointment and discovery. An enjoyable novel.

  4. Anna

    This book is very captivating and interesting. I’m certainly looking forward to more books from Zanne.

  5. Chris Belgum

    A fast moving and quite plausible plot. Real issue woven skillfully into a captivating Sci Fi story. Can’t wait for the next book!

  6. Michel

    A thoroughly gripping account of how a small group of humans escaping the calamities brought upon by inaction and complacency on the part of Earth’s ruling countries deal with the unknown of a new alien world and its own cultural and political dynamics.

    I especially liked how the author explores and develops how the best of intentions frequently have unintended consequences, all the while keeping you in suspense about the fate of the colonists as they continuously deal with new and terrifying challenges, trying to survive on a new world.

    With the suggestion of more books to come, this promises to be a captivating series.

  7. Carmen

    Hi all… I read this and enjoyed it even if the genre is really not my reading bag, as it were, but I am helping support the author, who is a family friend of ours in her hard work writing this series.

    Good story, although I would really have enjoyed if she had spent a bit more time on events during the actual flight of the Mayflower spaceship itself – it sort of went from “we’re-leaving-earth-in-a-hurry” to “and-here-we-are-at-the black-hole-to-get-to-the-planet-we’re-goint-to” without much in between of the three-year journey (I’m a Star Trek fan, so nto “life onboard” as it were. LOL!) But yeah, good story!

  8. Catherine De Neville

    I really enjoyed reading this book. Highly recommend it! Filled with suspense and interest! A must read!

  9. John Derek

    The Flight of the Mayflower by Zanne Raby
    “2080:The world is dying. Travel into the future to a time when nothing is certain. Where drought and famine plague an already overpopulated globe and massive waves of refugees stream across the planet, seeking sanctuary. Where terrorist groups have joined forces with biohackers to destroy humanity, developing a deadly bio-engineered disease that marches across the continents like a conquering army, leaving millions dead in its murderous swathe. Meanwhile, some of the best and brightest minds on the planet are feverishly at work – constructing mega-gigantic Space Arks to shuttle hundreds of thousands of people to a colony on Mars. And it seems like there’s more good news: world leaders announce that a vaccine is ready – so, roll up your sleeves and get on with your lives. It’s all good; it’s all returning to normal. But the truth is very different. In The Flight of the Mayflower, the first novel in The Deneb Chronicles, Dr Daniel Radu – project manager for NASA’s Space Ark Mayflower – uncovers a global conspiracy of immense proportions. World leaders and the elite are readying themselves for a one-way ticket to Mars, leaving the masses clutching at empty promises. Defiant and unwilling to become another casualty, Daniel cooks up a scheme of his own. Joined by a team of global experts, Daniel and his colleagues brace themselves for a journey of a lifetime as they trek across the galaxy in a quest for survival.”

    The Flight of the Mayflower is an excellent space-hopping read. The novel is superbly written, with a fascinating storyline and some exciting plot twists. The main protagonists really stand out, and it allows the narrative to be character-driven. Which is why it is a space opera, I suppose.
    The main problem with the book that I had personally is that it follows a particular format to one of my all-time favourite books, STARK, by Ben Elton.
    There are similar scenario’s in each book, although in Stark, the Arks are not trying to reach Mars. But the rich and famous do attempt to do a bunk and leave the dying Earth.
    However, the Flight of the Mayflower goes beyond that and heads for Mars. So we enter alien planet territory.
    And this is where the book stands out, and shows that the author has well researched the genre. A military background helps, especially during the battle scenes.
    Also, with the book being short for a novel, it did not need to be bogged down with too much needless jargon. That is not to say the author failed to paint a vivid, vibrant picture of Space and the Space Arks.
    So the writing flowed nicely, slightly wordy but fluent and easy on the eye. Military and technical detail is evident as the book progresses.
    The Flight of the Mayflower is a good, epic space adventure. It really is worth a read, and Sci-fi fantasy fiction fans will not be disappointed.

  10. Ron Baumer

    An interesting first book in a new Sci-Fi series. A good story coupled with well developed characters. I am eager for the next book to come out.

  11. Kindle Customer


    An epic space opera, based in 2080, it’s not so hard to imagine by then that humans have completely destroyed planet Earth. Three country confederations have built three arks, the USA one is called the Mayflower. The president and rich people of the area have donated exorbitant amounts of money to build the ark and they are planning on spiriting themselves away before the general population knows what’s going on. They didn’t count on Dr. Daniel Radu – project manager for NASA’s Space Ark Mayflower uncovering their secrets and he gathers up his own team and they escape the impending doom.

    A little mystery, adventure, political intrigue, and the fight for survival are all included in this epic space adventure. Highly recommend it.
    Many thanks to #netgalley for the complimentary copy of #theflightofthemayflower I was under no obligation to post a review.

  12. Sally Mander


    An epic space opera, based in 2080, it’s not so hard to imagine by then that humans have completely destroyed planet Earth. Three country confederations have built three arks, the USA one is called the Mayflower. The president and rich people of the area have donated exorbitant amounts of money to build the ark and they are planning on spiriting themselves away before the general population knows what’s going on. They didn’t count on Dr. Daniel Radu – project manager for NASA’s Space Ark Mayflower uncovering their secrets and he gathers up his own team and they escape the impending doom.

    A little mystery, adventure, political intrigue, and the fight for survival are all included in this epic space adventure. Highly recommend it.

    Many thanks to #netgalley for the complimentary copy of #theflightofthemayflower I was under no obligation to post a review.

  13. Lindsey Anderson

    Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read The Flight of the Mayflower in exchange for my honest review!
    I really liked this book. Anyone who is interested in science fiction would definitely enjoy this book. It was well written and well research. I can’t wait to read the next book. More people should be reading this!

  14. Brian

    As the start of a new series , this one is a good read. There is a little bit of everything here. Action, romance, politics, etc. It is a good book for any sci fi fans and there is a good amount of world building involved.
    I was a bit disturbed at a rape scene towards the end of the book, so be warned but otherwise no unnecessary language to speak of.
    I will read the next in the series! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

  15. Anthony Philo

    Interesting book. I enjoyed reading it and it articulated many of problems facing society today. I look forward to the sequel.

  16. Paul

    This has been out for a while and it’s pretty good, so I’m surprised it doesn’t have more reviews. It’s hard sci-fi and space opera, and the writing is pretty good, the plot is interesting, and I liked most of the characters. Recommended for sci-fi fans.

    Thanks very much for the free review copy!!

  17. Guatemala Paula (verified owner)

    The fantastic debut of a brilliant new space opera series!
    As a part of this virtual book tour, I was given the opportunity to read the first book in The Chronicles of Deneb, and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next one in the series; the story is absolutely riveting! The Flight of the Mayflower takes its crew and passengers from life on Earth to what they see as the planet of their salvation: Deneb.

    That these characters are able to make the journey at all is a wonder of coordination. It was an amazing feat of secrecy that Daniel and his counterparts were able to pull it off without anyone at all getting wind of it. They told no one, and I loved that.

    The story is rife with moral dilemmas of all kinds. Earth society has disintegrated to the point where the leaders of the remaining nations are about to double-cross their constituents to save themselves. The project managers creating the space arks decide to take the vessels for themselves, saving only their families and coworkers who have been quarantined with them while the work has progressed. They must decide to keep what they know a secret from their loved ones, leave extended family and friends outside the quarantine zone behind, and literally kidnap their coworkers and families to save their lives. It was a terrifying twist that not everyone in the quarantine zone had 100% obeyed the quarantine, creating a ticking time bomb on the ship of if or when the virus would make itself known.

    In the isolation of the long journey, there are the inevitable stresses of having a small group of people thrown together in a confined space. Emotions are artificially heightened, and relationships are affected. The characters quickly came to feel like real people to me, and under such extraordinary circumstances, real people succumb to temptations they might not normally even consider. I felt so sorry for Daniel and Poppy and their family, but his choices regarding Tara during the journey were weak and ill-considered.

    But a fascinating element of the plot is the reaction of the indigenous population of Deneb to the newcomers. Three tribes or countries are bound together by treaty, and they all react differently to the appearance of the humans. I liked that the Denebians were a technologically-advanced society. They had experience with receiving space explorers and first contact. But some exciting political intrigue is set in motion, startling prejudices, and high-level negotiations ensue.

    Categorized as science fiction, it is not hardcore and tech-forward, though there is plenty of tech to keep things interesting. I recommend THE FLIGHT OF THE MAYFLOWER to sci-fi readers who enjoy their stories with a more character-driven plot.

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